How can I create customer accounts?

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. Customer Creation via Order/Registration
  3. Customer Creation via Merchant Backend
  4. Customer Creation via API

1. Preliminary Remarks

Even though customers can be created in several different ways, the automatic creation via order or registration is the most common one. For example, the customer uses the plenigo checkout. A corresponding customer account is created as part of the order or registration process. There are also other options for creating a customer account, which are also described in this article.

2. Customer Creation via Order/Registration

Once a customer registrates or places an order, an account is automatically created in the Merchant Backend with the customer data provided by the customer. An e-mail address is always displayed. Depending on the settings in the Merchant Backend on the specifications, more customer data can be displayed, for example the address.

3. Customer Creation via Merchant Backend

A customer can be created manually in the Merchant Backend. 
A detailed instruction can be found here >> Die Kundenübersicht

4. Customer Creation via API

A customer can also be created via API using the following endpoint: