PLEN-8001: Mail Log Filter - Performance Issue
It was not possible to load large mail logs due to performance issues. We have improved performance making loading of mail logs possibile again and even much faster.
PLEN-8004: Adding Additional Data to Delivery List Failed
When trying to add additional data to titles in the delivery list, it was not possible to save the data.
PLEN-8021: Additional Data not Showing at Single Product and Time Pass
When adding additional data to a single product or time passes, they were not shown in the order.
PLEN-8054: Externally Managed Subscriptions
When an externally managed subscription was imported, it did not end even though it had an endDate.
PLEN-8029: Delivery Count and Delivery List Title on Invoice Incorrect
The open and finished delivery count did not match the actual amount. On the invoice, the title from the delivery list was not correctly displayed.
PLEN-8030: Cancellation Withdrawals with Issue-Based Subscriptions
A cancellation withdrawal was not possible if it was done between the creation of delivery list and redelivery list at the end of the subscription period.
It was possible to withdraw cancellation for non-recurring subscriptions.
It was not possible to withdraw cancellation of imported subscriptions with an end date.
Cancellation withdrawal created activities even though withdrawal was not successful.
❕Important Change
Recurring Invoices for Issue-Based Subscriptions
The first invoice is created on the day of purchase. The recurring invoices in the future are now created on the publishing date. For example, if a customer buys an issue-based subscription with 2 issues with automatic renewal on November 1st, the first invoice is created on November 1st. The recurring invoices are always created on the first publishing date of the first issue within the period of 2 issues (as defined in the product contract in the offer). Meaning, the recurring invoices are going to be created on the publishing date of the 3rd issue, the 5th issue, the 7th issue, etc.
Cancellation Withdrawal Issue-Based Subscriptions
We have reworked the cancellation withdrawal for issue-based subscriptions. The cancellation can be withdrawn as long as the end of the paid period has not yet been reached or until the delivery list is created for the issue that is not paid by the customer anymore. Cancellation withdrawal is never possible if a partial cancellation and a refund has taken place.