
💡New Feature

Cross Client Connections with external SSO is now possible using callbacks.
  • /subscriptions/useCrossClientVoucher


Archive Offer Handling
We introduced a new archive offer handling.
New endpoint:
  • /{companyId}/products/offers/{offerId}/archive

An offer can be archived and then still be purchased (DEFAULT).
An offer can be archived and not purchased anymore (BLOCK).
An offer can be archived and an alternative offer can be selected to be displayed to the customers (SUCCESSOR).

Poool Partner API
We have poool.fr as a new partner for dynamic paywalls.
API endpoints can be found in the Partner API documentation
  • /products/paywall

  • /products/paywall/{plenigoOfferId}

❕Important Change

Order Imports:

When issue based order is imported with no cancellationDate and open deliveries = 0 a nextBookingDate must be entered.


  • /imports/orders

🔧 Change

We have introduced an additional address parameter for delivery lists: delivery_Information


PLEN-7630: Process controls did not react to an error message by Amazon Pay when transaction failed. This has been fixed. Process controls are now triggered appropriately.