Add a Tag to an Offer

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Notes
  2. Assign Tags

1. Preliminary Notes

A tag can only be added to an offer after the offer has been created. To do this, open the "Offers" menu item and select the appropriate offer from the offer list. As an example, the "Test Offer for KB" is selected.
Fig: Choose offer

2. Assign Tags

Step 1:
Select the "Tags" option in the menu bar or the "Assign tags" option in the offer view.

Fig: Tags in the menu bar 

Fig: Assign Tag 

Step 2:
The mask for the assignment of the tags opens. The drop-down menu allows you to select from the tags that have already been created. A tag can be assigned to the entire offer and/or a separate tag to each product. By clicking on the "Save" button the assignment is finished.

Fig: Assign tag to an offer

Removing a tag is possible via the displayed "x".

Fig: Remove tag