Main User and User

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary remarks
  2. Main User
  3. Users

1. Preliminary remarks

The users of multi-user offers are divided into:
  • Main user and 
  • users
 The purchaser of the multi-user offer is automatically the main user. Both user types must have a registered access in the used SSO.

Further information on handling main users and users in the Merchant Backend can be found at Multi User Account.

2. Main User

The main user is the owner of the multi-user access.
  •  They cannot be removed from the multi-user access.
  • They are the purchaser of the offer.
  • Payments due are processed via the main user's account.
  •  They have extensive management options in multi-user access.
  • They can cancel an ongoing multi-user subscription.

3. Users

 The users have very limited rights.
  •  They can only join a multi-user account by logging in.
  •  They cannot remove himself from a multi-user account.
  • They only use the service available through multi-user access.