Create Users

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. Add User
  3. Manage User

1. Preliminary Remarks

The Merchant Backend offers a user management for Merchant Backend users.
Users must be assigned to user groups. Therefore, user groups must be created prior to adding users.

2. Add User

  • Click on Add a user.
  • Determine a Username*.
    The Company Part* cannot be changed and is part of the username when logging in.
  • Enter First name* and Last name*.
  • Optionally, the Department can be entered.
  • Optionally, an e-mail address can be entered.

    Note: Entering an e-mail address for the role Administrator is mandatory. If no mail address was entered for the role user, the administrator automatically receives an e-mail if the user has requested a passwort reset.

    After successfully creating a user, the user receives a registration mail in which their username@company part is contained. If no e-mail address was entered, the user must be informed otherwise.

  • Determine the Role* using the drop-down menu (User or Administrator).
  • When creating a User, the User group* must also be selected to define the rights for the user.
  • Select the user's Language*.
  • Checkbox Activate Two-Factor Authentication defines if the user must have a two-factor authentication when logging in.

3. Manage User

n the list view, all users already created are displayed. The view is divided into three tabs.
  • Active Users: Users with active access to the system.
  • Disabled Users: Users who have been deactivated.
  • Blocked Users: Users who have been blocked due to repeated incorrect passwort entry.
Blocked and deactivated users can be unlocked by administrators.

