2-Factor-Authenticator for backend users

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary notes
  2. Set up two-factor authentication for users
  3. Download and useage of an Authenticator app

1. Preliminary notes 

Secure passwords are important for more online security. Access to the plenigo backend is additionally secured by 2-factor authentication. For 2-factor authentication, a second, variable factor comes into play in addition to the password, which is necessary for a successful login. Therefore, a user name, password, and a one-time code must be entered. The latter is generated by an app and is only valid for a short time in each case. We strongly recommend using 2-factor authentication for the plenigo live system.

2. Set up two-factor authentication for users

When creating a new user, 2-factor authentication can be activated individually for each user.
For this purpose, the "Force 2 factor auth." checkbox must be activated.

Fig: Contracting company

3. Download and usage of an authenticator App 

To use 2-factor authentication, a plenigo backend user needs an additional Authenticator app.
In this article we refer to the use of the app "Authenticator". Of course, other apps can also be used for authentication, both on a computer and on a mobile device.

Step 1:

On the website https://authenticator.cc/ the software can be installed as a browser add-on for all modern browsers.
The desired version can be selected here and the instructions followed in the browser.

Fig: Screenshot Webseite https://authenticator.cc/

Step 2:
For a login using 2-factor authentication, the login mask of the plenigo backend must first be opened and then logged in with the corresponding access data.

Fig: Login plenigo Backend

Step 3:
At the first login attempt, a QR code appears after entering the login data, which must be scanned by the 2FA app. This saves the access to the plenigo backend in the 2FA app.

Fig: 2FA-QR-Code

To scan the QR code, the Authenticator app must first be opened. In our example, this is done via the browser's AddOn bar.

Fig: Example display of the Authenticator app in the browser

In the opened app, the scan process can be started via the scan icon. The successful scan is then confirmed and a login entry is saved in the app.

Fig: Display of the Authenticator app in use

The scanning process is only necessary once for each access. For future logins, the respective displayed code for 2-factor authentication from the app can be used directly.