Order Overview

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. Order Details

1. Preliminary Remarks

In Order menu item all already placed orders are saved and in a list sorted chronologically in descending order.
This list can be filtered for Date range, Order ID and Voucher code.
The list can be downloaded as csv file either filtered or unfiltered.
Click on the Order ID or Details to open the order detail view.
Click on Customer No. to directly get to the customer.

2. Order Details

Action Bar

Via the action bar, the order confirmation can be resent, an order indicator can be added and the order can be downloaded.

Note: If the order indicator is required on an invoice that has already been created , the invoice must be corrected, as the order indicator will not be transferred to invoices that have already been created.

If the order is a gift voucher, further actions are available in the action bar.
  • Resend voucher email: The mail template Voucher purchase together with the voucher code pdf is sent to the stored email address.
  • Block Access: The access for the product is blocked.
  • Deactivate Voucher Code: The voucher code for redeeming the voucher is deactivated (only works as long as the voucher code has not yet been redeemed).


In the Order tab, all important data regarding the order are displayed.
On the left-hand side, all data regarding the invoice customer is displayed.
 On the right-hand side, the Order ID, the Order Date, the Payment Method and, if available, Additional Data is displayed.
In the lower third, the order is broken down in a table.

If the order is an external order, the delivery customers are displayed in the Delivery Customer ID column.
Click on Offer ID to be navigated to the offer.
Click on the Monthly Subscription to be navigated to the customer's Subscription tab.

In the Activity tab, activities such as the order creation are logged here. Click on the plus to add a new activity manually.
In the Additional Data tab, additional data can be viewed.
In the Marketing Data tab, the marketing data can be viewed.