Electronic Invoice: Prerequisites and Management

Content of this article
  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Call Up Electronic Invoice
    Automatic Dispatch
    Manual Download

1. Preliminary Remarks

Since January 1, 2025, electronic invoices have been mandatory in business-to-business (B2B) transactions in Germany.
“With an e-invoice, invoice information is transmitted electronically, received automatically and processed further. This enables end-to-end digital processing from the creation of the invoice to the payment of the invoice amounts.” (Source: What is an e‑invoice?)

The e-invoice can be downloaded as ZUGFeRD or XRechnung in the Merchant Backend and in the Self Service.
They are automatically sent by email in ZUGFeRD format for purchases and, if activated in the Merchant Backend, for recurring invoices.
What is the difference between ZUGFeRD and XRechnung?
ZUGFeRD is a so-called hybrid format (PDF/A-3), consisting of a visible PDF part in which a machine-readable XML part is embedded. In contrast, the XRechnung is a pure XML file.

2. Prerequisites

The following requirements apply to electronic invoices:

  1. In the Merchant Backend in the menu item Settings > Financial > Invoice Settings in the Invoice Management tab, the form "Settings for the Electronic Invoice" must be filled in.

  2. The Leitweg-ID must be maintainted at the end customers. 

    Note: For the generation of e-invoices between companies (B2B) the so-called Leitweg-ID is not mandatory. In the B2G context it is mandatory. More information about the Leitweg-ID can be found here: FAQ - Buyer reference (Leitweg‑ID)

    The Leitweg-ID can be entered when creating a new customer or afterwards by editing the customer information.

  3. In the B2B context, the VAT Number must be entered. If it is not defined, the company's name is not displayed in the xml file.

3. Call Up Electronic Invoice

Automatic Dispatch

The PDF invoice in ZUGFeRD is automatically sent to the end customers by email. 
  • On purchase.
  • For recurring invoices, if these have been activated in the Merchant Backend.
    In the menu item Settings > Financial > Invoice Settings in the Invoice Management tab, recurring invoices can be activated/deactivated for all customers.
    In the customer account in the subscription detail view via the action bar, the invoice dispatch can be deactivated specifically for this subscription (if recurring invoices are activated in the general invoice settings).  
The xml file can be called as attachment in a PDF reader (e.g. Adobe).

Manual Download

The invoice (both ZUGFeRD and XRechnung) can be downloaded in the Merchant Backend and the Self Service.
  • Merchant Backend
    In the menu item Invoices or in the customer account, open the invoice in the detail view.
    In the action bar, the invoice (PDF + xml) and the XRechnung (only xml file) can be downloaded.
  • Self Service
    In the Invoices tab, customers can download both invoices.