Customer Account Structure

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. The Action Bar
  3. Account Tabs

1. Preliminary Remarks

The customer overview can be accessed via the Customers menu item.
A customer account has an action bar that provides access to basic, frequently used actions. To enable a compact display of all necessary data, the other data of the customer account is divided into several sections, which can be accessed via tabs.

3. The Action Bar

  • Add an Activity
    Enables the creation of notes and hints, as well as the upload of files (max. size 800kb) as pdf, image or Office files (optional).
  • Add Address
    • Add an invoice address: creating invoice addresses
    • Add a delivery address: creating delivery addresses
  • Add an Access Right
    Manually creating an access right
  • Add a Bank Account
    Creating a bank account for SEPA Direct Debit Scheme
  • Goodwill
    • Add free issues
    • Redeliver issues for free
    • Add accounting period for free
  • Block Access
    Access to products is blocked. The customer can log in, however, no longer has access to their products.
  • Manage
    • Block Customer: The customer is blocked and can no longer log in.
    • Delete Customer: The customer account is irrevocably deleted. This is only possible if there is no transaction data (e.g. orders, invoices, subscriptions) in the account.
    • Export customer data: It is possible to create information on personal data according to §15 GDPR.
    • Reset Password: A one-time password can be generated.
    • Deactivate Two-Factor-Authentication: Deactivates the customer's two-factor authentication.
    • Anonymize Customer: The customer account is anonymized and can no longer be edited. New orders and mail communication via plenigo is no longer possible. Invoice corrections can still be made.
    • Change Opt-In Status: Changing the opt-in consents
  • Checkout
    Orders for customers can be placed here.
  • Edit Additional Data
    It is possible to configure Additional Data, which can be saved on orders, for example.

4. Account Tabs

The customer account is divided into tabs, in which the corresponding information and documents are displayed. Above every tab, the number of the data sets available (addresses, invoices, subscriptions or access rights, among others) is displayed.