
Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Notes
  2. General Structure 
  3. Status History
  4. Activities 

1. Preliminary Notes

In the customer "Overview" you get an overview of selected information about the customers and the activities that have taken place in the account. 

Via the menu item "Customers" it is possible to get to the overview of one specific customer. The customer account is opened by clicking on the "Customer No." or the "Email".

Fig: Overview of how to get to the customer details.

The "Overview" of the customer account is opened automatically.

Fig: Overview Tab

2. General Structure

The overview (1) primarily contains data on the customer's name, e-mail and registration (2). Immediately below this, the billing address is also displayed.
To the right is a list of activities (3). This means that every time something was created in the customer account, no matter under which tab, it is logged in the overview. For example, a subscription was purchased, then in the "Subscriptions" tab the purchased subscription is added and in the overview the activity "Subscription created" appears.

Fig: General Structure of the overview.

3. Status History

If you have deactivated or blocked the customer, the "Details" button appears next to the status in the customer data.

The customer can be blocked, deactivated and also reactivated via the "Manage" action in the ribbon.

Fig: Block Customer in the ribbon 

A window opens with a selection of statuses.

Fig: Status change

By clicking on the "Details" (1) button, a status history (2) appears.

Abb: Statushistory

4. Activities

To get more information about an activity, the individual tiles can be expanded by clicking on them. In the example below, the tiles "Invoice created" (1) and "Subscription created" (2) have been expanded.
Above the activities there are predefined groupings (3), which can be used to open all tabs of the same group simultaneously.

Fig: Expansion of tiles.

In the expanded tile you can also see by whom the activity was made. An activity be made by different actors, such as a supporter (1) or the system (2). An activity originated by the system appears when, for example, a subscription is billed monthly and thus an invoice is automatically generated every month. Another actor can also be the customer himself, for example, if he changes his billing address via Self Service.

Fig: Responsibility for activity. 

Fig: Activity made by a customer. 