Access Rights

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Notes
  2. Access Rights Tab
  3. Additional Data

1. Preliminary Notes

The "Access Rights" tab provides an overview of all access rights the customer is entitled to. Please note that really every single access right is listed. For example, if the customer has purchased an offer with two steps and two products, the result is that the customer is entitled to four access rights. The reason for this is that during the creation of the offer, one access right is assigned for each product in each step.

Via the menu item "Customers" it is possible to get to the customer overview of the specific customer. The customer account is opened by clicking on the "Customer No." or the "Email".
Fig: Overview of how to get to the customer details.

Various overviews are available here. One of them is the "Access Rights" tab.

Fig: The Access Rights Tab

2. Access Rights Tab

The overview in the "Access Rights" tab shows all access rights that the customer has or has had.
(1) "No.": Numbers the access rights in order. The arrow expands the row and extended data can be viewed.
(2) "Access Right (uniqueId)": Names the unique ID of the access right.
(3) "Offer ID": Shows the order number of the offer from which the access rights originate.
(4) "Start Date": Shows from when the access right is valid.
(5) "End Date": Shows when the access right ends.
(6) "Status": Indicates whether the access right is activated or deactivated.
(7) "Type": Indicates whether the access right was added manually or not.
(8) "Action": If an access right was added manually, it can be edited or deleted via this.

Fig: Overview of the Access Rights Tab

3. Additional Data

Clicking on the arrow (1) to the left of the line number opens additional data (2) about the duration of the access right and to which subscription it belongs. Alternatively, the offer detail view can be accessed via the "Offer ID" (3) to get more detailed information about the access right and the offer.

Fig: Additional Data of the Access Right