External Orders

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. External Orders Tab

1. Preliminary Remarks

An external order is an order that customer A (invoice customer) pays for another customer B (delivery customer). The External Orders tab therefore documents the order that was placed for customer B.
Example: If customer A has purchased a subscription for customer B, the external order is created in customer B's customer account. In the case of a digital product, the right to access the product is also stored in customer B's account, as they are the recipient of the product. However, the order and the invoice itself are stored in the account of the person who placed/payed the order, i.e. customer A.
The External Orders tab therefore shows orders in which the delivery customer is a different customer than the invoice customer. Both customers must exist as customers of your company, as a non-customer would not be granted access to the product if a digital product had been purchased.

2. External Orders Tab

The overview in External Orders tab shows the external orders placed for the customer.
The invoice customer is stored in the Customer column. In this case, the invoice customer has placed an order for two delivery customers.
Click on Order ID or Details (eye symbol) to navigate to Orders where more details can be viewed.

For more information on how an external order can be placed in the Merchant Backend, click here.