Wallet Change History

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. Manage Wallet Change History

1. Preliminary Remarks

The wallet change history contains information about the customer's credits.
Credits can be manually reduced or recharged.

2. Manage Wallet Change History

By clicking on Details, a new page opens on which more commands can be carried out.


  • Wallet Details
    In the Wallet details, all information about the customer and the wallet is displayed.
    The wallet opens when clicking on the Wallet-ID.
  • Credits usages
    The redemption of the credits is listed here.
     When the Merchant User reduces credits manually, the reduction including the reason appears in the list.
  • Credits uploads
     All recharges are displayed, which have already happened.
     When the Merchant User recharges credits manually, the recharge including the title (reason) appears in the list.

Action bar

Via the action bar, credits can be reduced and recharged manually.

  • Reduce Credits
    • Enter Reason* why the credits are reduced manually.
    • Enter the Amount* of credits. Only as many credits can be reduced as are left in the wallet.
  • Recharge Credits
    • Enter Reason* why the credits are recharged manually.
    •  Enter the Amount* of credits. They are credited to the customer's wallet immediately.