Misuse Rules

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks 
  2. Create a Misuse Rule
  3. Use Case 

1. Preliminary Remarks

Misuse rules serve to prevent misuse by preventing customers from gaining new access to an offer by canceling their subscription and are a building block for offers within the Merchant Backend.
A misuse rule can be added to offers.
Misuse rules are commonly used for free or reduced offer levels.
Example: If a customer purchases an offer with a free trial period but cancels the offer before this period expires, a new purchase of the free trial period may be prevented.

Note: If the same misuse rule has been assigned to several offers, the rule applies across all offers. If this behavior is not desired, a separate misuse rule must be created for each offer.

2. Create a Misuse Rule

  • Click on + Add Rule.
  • Add Internal Title* and an internal description, if applicable.
  • Use the drop-down menu to select an alternative offer to which customers will be redirected if the misuse rule applies.
  • Determine the runtime: a misuse rule can apply either for an unlimited time (default) or for a certain period of time (e. g. 12 months after purchase)
  • Enter Title* and Description* that will be displayed to the customers if the misuse rule applies. 

Note: The misuse rule is only effective if a customer has purchased the product with this rule. Not retrospectively! If the misuse rule is only added to an offer at a later date, existing customer purchases remain unaffected. The misuse rule only applies to new customer purchases.

3. Use Case

A misuse rule was created in the Merchant Backend and assigned to an offer in the editing mode.
If the offer is purchased by the customer, canceled and then selected for purchase again, the misuse rule takes effect in two ways:
  1. The information text for the customer defined in the misuse rule is displayed in the Checkout and informs the customer of the change to their selection.
  2. It is not the offer selected by the customer that is offered for purchase in the Checkout, but the alternative offer defined in the misuse rule.