Age-related Rules

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Notes 
  2. Creation of age-related Rules
  3. Example of Usage

1. Preliminary Notes

Using the age rules you can realize different prices for an offer, depending on the age of the inquirer (e.g. if the inquirer is younger than 25, he gets the discounted offer X, if he is older, then offer Y).

Note: The associated technical age verification is a chargeable module of plenigo. If you are interested, please contact your personal contact person at any time. Furthermore, in the article Identity and Age Verification you will find information on how to activate the module and how the verification process works.

The item "Age-related rules" (3) is a sub-item of "Sales rules" (2), which in turn are located in the menu item "Products" (1). Rules that have already been created are summarized here in an overview. The commands in the right column can be used to edit a rule or to switch to the detailed view.

Fig: Sub item "Age-related Rules"

2. Creation of age-related Rules

To set a new age-related rule click the "Add Rule" button.

Fig: Overview "age-related Rules"

The following fields must be filled in the form:

(1) Internal title: Here you define which title will be displayed in the overview of age-related rules. Optionally you can add an "Internal description".

(2) First condition: Here you define for which age which offers are valid. Using the drop-down menu you can choose between "above", "below" and "equal". The age is entered in the field next to it. For example, if "below 33" is entered, an offer must then be selected (e.g., a discounted offer) which applies if the buyer is younger than 33.

(3) Second condition:  Here you enter which offer will be used if the buyer does not meet the first condition, i.e. in this case is older than 33. For example, the offer at the normal price without discount could be offered here.

(4) Third condition: This sets up which offer will be used should the first condition no longer apply. That is, if a customer with e.g. 32 years buys the subscription and becomes 33 years old during the term. Then the condition that the buyer is below 33 is no longer met and the offer changes to the one you want. This could be, for example, an offer with the normal price; a less discounted one or it can also remain with the discounted offer.

(5) Title: This title will be displayed to the customer.

(6) Descriptions: Here you can formulate a general description and texts about the conditions that you want the customer to see.

Fig: Creation form of age-related rules

3. Example of Usage

In the following example, an "Age Rule 20" rule has been created with the following conditions:
(1) If the buyer is under 20 years old, he will receive the discounted offer ("Einfaches Jahresabo Streaming (U20)").
(2) If the purchaser is over 20 years old, he/she will receive the offer at the normal price ("Einfaches Jahresabo Streaming").
(3) If the purchaser turns 20 during the term of the subscription, the offer will automatically change from the discounted price to the normal price ("Einfaches Jahresabo Streaming").

Fig: Age Rule 20 

If the customer now wants to buy the "Einfaches Jahresabo Streaming (U20)", they will receive a note about the age-related rule that is linked to the offer - in this case, the "Age Rule 20". The customer can either skip the rule and buy the offer stored in the second condition (2), or have their age checked and receive the discounted variant.

Fig: Age rule in Checkout 

Here the customer also sees the Title (4) you have chosen for the rule and the general description (5).

Fig: Title and description of the "Age Rule 20"

In the area of identity verification, plenigo works together with Stripe. The verification consists of a sequence of several steps, for which the customer is instructed in a separate window (how these look exactly is described in the article Identity and age verification). Here, a driver's license, an ID card or a passport can be used as a document for verification. If the verification is successful and the customer is under 20 years old, he/she will receive the offer from the first condition (1). If the customer is over 30 years old, the customer will receive the offer from the second condition (2).