Identity and Age Verification

Content of the article 

  1. Preliminary Notes 
  2. Activation of Identity and Age Verification 
  3. Verification Process 

1. Preliminary Notes 

With the help of the "Identity and Age Verification" module (subject to a fee), the authenticity of an identification document (ID card, passport or driver's license) is checked and an age verification is performed so that, for example, offers can be adjusted according to age, which is why the check also serves as the basis for the age-related rules.

The verification consists of several steps, for which the customer is instructed in a separate window. This can be done by the customer with a driver's license, an ID card or a passport.

In order to perform the identity check online, plenigo works together with Stripe. For this purpose, in addition to activating the module, it is necessary to conclude a separate contract with Stripe via their Identity Service. PayOne customers can also use Stripe Identity.

For more information, please visit:

Tip: If you have not yet signed a contract with Stripe and are unsure whether identity verification is the right solution for you, the verification process can be tested in the demo version:

2. Activation of Identity and Age Verification 

In order to use the verification, it must first be activated in the plenigo backend. To do this, please navigate to the contracting company view and open the module "Identity and age verification" in the main menu item "Contract modules".

Fig: Identity and Age Verification in the main menu item "Contract Modules"

The module can now be activated via the detail view. (Here the module was already active, which is why the "Terminate" button appears instead of "Activate").

Fig: Activate module

In the plenigo backend (Client), the IDs and keys of Stripe Identity must also be stored. This is done in the subitem "Identity Settings" in the settings.

Fig: Sub item Identity Settings

The "Edit" function opens the edit mode, in which the IDs and keys can be stored.

Fig: Edit Identity Settings 

When you are in edit mode, you will also see the Stripe webhook, which you should register in your Stripe account so that plenigo can show failed payments.

Note: Please note that the webhook link is not the same as in the payment type configuration.

Fig: Stripe Webhook in editing mode

2. Verification Process

In order for a verification process to take place, a source offer is required as a basis, which is linked to an age-related rule. This rule defines which offer is valid for which age group. Below, an age-related rule "Age Rule under 25" has been created for illustration purposes.

If the customer wants to take advantage of the offer, he/she must go through the identity and age verification via the "next" button. This step can also be skipped, but the consequence is that the discount cannot be realized.

Fig: Age-related rule in checkout 

Step 1:
After the customer clicks on the "next" button, a separate window opens with a note on identity verification. The verification can be performed via a PC/laptop, alternatively also via a mobile device.

Fig: Note on identity verification

Step 2:
Next, the customer is asked how they would like to verify their ID document, by taking a photo with a cell phone, by taking a photo with a webcam, or by uploading a file.

Fig: Query how to verify the identification document

Step 3:
The customer must then decide which document he or she would like to present for verification. Possible documents are a driver's license, an ID card or a passport.

Fig: Query which identification document is to be verified

Step 4:
This is followed by a notice that Stripe performs the identification using biometric methods and forwards the results to plenigo. This must be agreed to. If not, the verification cannot be performed.

Fig: Note on how Stripe verifies the identity

Step 5:
Images of the ID document (front and back) can then be uploaded.

Fig: Uploading the front of the ID

Fig: Uploading the back of the ID

Step 6:
The last step is a confirmation that the verification has been sent.

Fig: Last step of the Identity and Age Verification 

After the check, it is determined whether the customer meets the condition for the discounted offer and receives it, or not.