Adress Validation

Content of this article 

  1. Preliminary Notes
  2. Activation of Adress Validation 
  3. Validation process

1. Preliminary Notes 

The address validation checks the correctness of entered addresses in all address forms of plenigo: in the checkout, in the self service and in the merchant backend. This is how you avoid
* impossible deliveries
* costly corrections of sent documents and
* put a block on entered joke addresses.
The address validation is a paid module, which you can activate in the plenigo backend. For further information please contact your personal contact person.

Address validation detects typos or incomplete addresses and improves them. Completely unknown addresses are also pointed out by the validation. However, since it is always possible that an address unknown to the system exists anyway, it can still be stored.

IMPORTANT: In the area of address validation, plenigo cooperates with Byteplant GmbH, which does not provide free test data (STAGE) for address validation. What does this mean for you and us: we would like to offer you the possibility to test the address validation as usual on STAGE, which is why there are costs for plenigo for each validation. Our request would be that the address validation (on STAGE) is also only activated for testing this, so that unnecessary validations and the associated costs are avoided. Thus, after testing the address validation, it would have to be deactivated again under Settings -> Contract Modules -> Address validation.

2. Activation of Adress Validation 

To be able to use the validation, it must first be activated in the plenigo backend. To do this, please navigate to the contracting company view and open the module "Address validation" in the main menu item "Contract modules".

Fig: Adress Valditation in the main menu item "Contract Modules"

The module can now be activated via the detail view. (Here the module was already active, which is why the "Terminate" button appears instead of "Activate").

Fig: Activate Module

Please note that address validation must also be activated in the settings before use. In edit mode (1), only the checkboxes need to be enabled, as they are disabled by default at the beginning.

Fig: Activate Adress Validation 

2. Validation Process 

Address validation detects typos or incomplete addresses and improves them. Completely unknown addresses are also pointed out by the validation. However, since it is always possible that an address unknown to the system exists anyway, it can be stored with a second click on "Save". The following is an example of how a typo is corrected in the plenigo backend:

An address with a typo is entered. With the first save operation the address is checked by the validation.

Fig: Address with a typo in the plenigo Backend 

The address validation recognizes the typing error and improves it. Now you can save again and the address will be stored.

Fig: Address improved from address validation in plenigo backend 

If an address is not valid, the message appears that the address should be adjusted or must be saved again.

Fig: Not valid address in the plenigo backend 

In Checkout, the same cases would look like this:

Fig: Typo in checkout 

Fig: Improved typo in checkout

Fig: Not valid address in checkout 