Global Settings

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. Global Settings
  3. Additional Functions

1. Preliminary Remarks

Global Settings is a submenu item below Settings in the Contracting Company. Basic settings for the clients are made here.

2. Global Settings

Specification of the start numbers for the accounting entities
  • invoice start number
  • customer start number

Note: The start numbers for customer numbers and invoice numbers cannot be changed after saving. 

3. Additional Functions

In this area, more settings regarding global functions can be activated or deactivated using the checkboxes.I

Force username
If plenigo is used as SSO system, entering a username in addition to the e-mail address during registration is mandatory. Therefore, customers can use their username for signing in instead of their e-mail address. 

Deactivate change history recording
The automatic change records at offers can be deactivated for all clients.

Note: If the change history recording is deactivated, your GoBD compliance can no longer be guaranteed. This change may impact your audit trails and data retention policies.