Company Data & Global Settings

Content of the article

  1. Preliminary Notes
  2. Company Data
  3. Global Settings

1. Preliminary Notes

In the contracting company view, mainly global settings can be made. These then apply across the board for the clients. Since the individual sub-items of the main menu item "Settings" are not very extensive, they have been summarized in this article. Among other things, a new client can be added in the settings.

Fig: Menu item "Settings" in the contracting company view 

2. Company Data 

In the "Company information" tab (1) in the company data, settings for your company address and tax information can be managed. To be able to edit the data, the "Edit" button (2) must be clicked. 

Fig: Sub items Company Data

In addition, a new client can be added via this subitem. There are two buttons for this, which are called "Add client" (3).

Fig: Add Client 

How to fill in a form for a client is already explained in the article Contracting Company & Client - Creation and Management in section 7.

2. Global Settings

In the Global Settings you can manage the customer and invoice start number. To change them, press the "Edit" button.

Note: Please note that these numbers can only be changed before the first numbering, not afterwards!

Fig:  Edit Global Settings

Fig: Change Data

In addition, checkboxes can be used to specify that a user name should be mandatory when logging into one of the clients, and e-mail verification can be turned off. By e-mail verification is meant the additional entry of a code after specifying the user name and password. The code will be sent to the customer by e-mail.

Fig: Activate checkboxes 