Manage Bonuses

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. Link a Bonus to an Offer
  3. Examples of Usage

1. Preliminary Remarks

In the detail view, bonuses can be copied, edited and archived.
A bonus can be linked to any number of offers. An offer, however, can only contain one bonus.

2. Link a Bonus to an Offer

  • Open the detail view of the offer to be linked to the bonus.
  • In the action bar, open the drop-down menu Extended Offer Data.
  • Click on Assign a bonus.
  • Use the drop-down menu to select a previously created bonus.
The bonus is now linked to the offer and will be displayed to the customer in the checkout.
It can be removed from the offer any time.

3. Examples of Usage

Offer with different bonuses to choose from
In the example, there is an offer that represents a single-step digital subscription. This offer has been created a total of three times, each time linked to a different bonus.

From this, the following sales channels can be enabled:
  • The offers can now be presented to your customer on a landing page for purchase.
  • For the customer, it is always the same digital subscription with different bonuses.
  • Through the use of a shopping cart, further packages could be made available, also with additional offers
  • Sales rules can be used to link these offers to further conditions. For example, bonuses could be linked to upsell mechanisms via selling paths.