API Calls

Content of this article

  1. Essential API Endpoints
  2. Process for Use

1. Essential API Endpoints

 Transferring purchases to plenigo is carried out by API requests.

 In the API documentation all endpoints regarding In-App Purchases are documented.

 The following endpoints are used for the standard process:

  • add purchase - transfers data of an In-App Purchase to plenigo

  • get purchase - requests transfered data of an identified In-App Purchase from plenigo.

  • search purchase -  searches all In-App Purchases data in plenigo

  • associate purchase - connects data of In-App Purchases in plenigo with a customer account in plenigo.

  • dissociate purchase - removes data of an In-App Purchase in plenigo from a customer account in plenigo.

  • verify purchase - checks data of an In-App Purchase in plenigo against the Apple system, e. g. for validtiy.

2. Process for Use

 In the following, the standard process of using In-App Purchases is explained.

  • each purchase which is to be used with plenigo must be send to the plenigo API via add.

  • all purchases sent to plenigo can be searched via get or search

  • if a purchase which has already been added should be connected to an existing customer, associate is used.

  • if a connection should be deleted, dissociate is used.

  • verify request is used to request if the corresponding purchase is still valid, e. g. if an App Store Subscription is still active.