Pause Subscription

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Notes
  2. Backend: Pause Subscription and Cancel Pause
  3. Self Service: Pause Subscription and Cancel Pause

1. Preliminary Notes

The Pause Subscriptions feature allows you to pause ongoing subscriptions for up to 6 billing periods. The following conditions apply:

  • A pause extends over 1 - 6 accounting periods.
  • Within a pause, the use of the corresponding service is not possible
  • During a pause, the subscription is not billed
  • A pause can be ended prematurely
  • Setting the pause is possible in the Self Service as well as in the plenigo backend
  • Subscriptions with a fixed duration are not extended by the paused time period

Note: If the "Pause Subscription" function is to be used, it is recommended to configure the corresponding e-mail templates
"Subscription paused" and "Subscription pause ended". These system mails will be sent to your customers your customers in case of using the function

2. Backend: Pause Subscription and Cancel Pause

The function can be found in the subscription details in the customer account.
The "Pause" item in the action bar contains options for pausing the subscription and canceling an existing pause. The other options in the "Pause" item concern the delivery break.
Fig: Menuitem "Pause"

Clicking on the "Pause Subscription" option opens a dialog box in which the start and end dates of the pause can be selected.

Fig: Activation of a pause

A subscription for which a pause has been entered already receives a corresponding note in the subscription overview:
Fig: Note in the subscription tab

3. Self Service: Pause Subscription and Cancel Pause

For information on how to enable your customers to manually activate a pause of a subscription, see the corresponding Self Service article.