App-Store and Play-Store Purchases

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. List View
  3. Detail View

1. Preliminary Remarks

The menu items Apple Store Purchases and Google Store Purchases display all purchases that have been added to the plenigo system from the respective store using the add API call.
The list view and the detail view are only used to make in-app purchases visible in the Merchant Backend. They cannot be edited in the interface.
The API call verify can be used to check purchases, for example for validity.
So that the offers from the app can also be assigned in the Merchant Backend, the offers must be created accordingly in the App Store Offers menu item.

Find more information on App Store Offers >> App Store Offers

API endpoints:

2. List View

The list view differs depending on the store.
The information displayed in the corresponding columns is fairly self-explanatory. The Associated column requires further explanation.
What does associated mean? A purchase can be associated to a customer in the Merchant Backend if the customer logs in to the app via SSO with the same email address that is stored in the Merchant Backend. The associated purchases are also displayed in the In-App Orders menu item.

3. Detail View

As the Google API transfers less information to the plenigo system, only the expiration date is displayed in the detail view for Play Store purchases for the corresponding subscription.
The Apple API passes more information to the plenigo system; in addition to the expiration date, it is possible to see in the detail view whether the free or paid version is active. The cancellation date (if available) and the subscription group are also displayed.