In-App Orders

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. In-App Orders

1. Preliminary Remarks

In the In-App Orders menu item all In-App order (Apple App-Store and Google Play-Store) that have been associated to an existing customer in the Merchant Backend are displayed. 
In order for an association to take place, it must also be possible to log in to the SSO within the app. If a customer now logs in with the same e-mail address that is also stored in the customer's Merchant Backend, the purchase can be associated to the customer with the corresponding API call associate.

An association of In-App orders has the following advantages:
  • By purchasing within an app, the customer can also access the service via a web browser if desired, without having to purchase a separate offer again.
  • The in-app orders are visible directly on the customer data record in the Merchant Backend.
  • The terms of access rights from in-app orders can be viewed.

API endpoints:  

2. In-App Orders

In the list view, all associated In-App orders are listed. By clicking on the Order ID, the detail view opens in which all information about the purchase can be viewed.
In contrast to the detail view in the App-Store and Play-Store Purchases menu items, the customer number is linked under General Information.
The associated customer can be opened either in the list view by clicking on the customer number or in the detail view by clicking on the customer number, as well.