Mobile Apps

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. Further Entries regarding In-App Purchases

1. Preliminary Remarks

Um In-App-Purchases im Merchant Backend einsehen zu können, muss der App Store mit dem Merchant Backend verknüpft werden. / To be able to visualize In-App Purchases within the Merchant Backend, the App Store must be connected to the Merchant Backend.
plenigo bietet die Möglichkeit, folgende Apps zu verknüpfen: / plenigo offers the possibility to connect the following apps:
  • PlayStore App
  • iOS App
  • Amazon App
More information on connecting the apps, which data are required for the connection and where you will find them is explained in the following entries:

Google Setup: 
Apple Setup (v1): 
Apple Setup (v2): 

2. Further Entries regarding In-App Purchases

After the respective apps have been successfully connected with plenigo, App Store Offers must be created in the Merchant Backend.
Find more information in the following entry >> 

Once everything has been set, purchases have been made by customers and the purchases have been communicated to plenigo via the API call add, they are displayed in the In-App Purchases menu item.
Find more information in the following entry >>