Company Data

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary remarks 
  2. Company Data

1. Preliminary remarks 

Company Data is all the data which was entered when creating this client in the contracting company.
All fields can be edited, as required.

2. Company Data

  • Click on Edit to edit the Basic data.

Domain: The domain name stored here is used by the end user to access the company's services. This field is for information purposes only.

Company name: Specifies the company name displayed in the plenigo Merchant Backend. The company name assigned here is also displayed publicly in certain situations. For example, this is the case in the default of email templates.

Contact email: The email address stored here is used by plenigo as default for contacting.

Support email: This email address is displayed as default whenever a contact address is issued to the end user.

Invoice email: All invoices and order confirmations generated by the plenigo system will be sent to this email address.