Externally-Managed Offers

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary remarks
  2. Externally-Managed Offers
  3. Externally-Invoiced Offers
  4. Which Offer Types can be used?

1. Preliminary marks

Products which are managed completely or partly by third systems can be created in the plenigo system and used with limitations. For these offers, plenigo only takes over individual management or billing functions.

2. Externally-Managed Offers

Externally-managed offers can be used to import purchases of products created outside plenigo into the system. The resulting orders and subscriptions can then be used, for example, to apply sales rules across systems.

Externally-managed offers have the following particularities:
  • Offers cannot be sold via the plenigo Checkout.
  • Orders must be imported.
  • Subscriptions resulting from it cannot be managed via the plenigo Merchant Backend
  • Any changes made on subscriptions must be imported.
  • Externally-managed offers are not invoiced by plenigo.
  • Customers cannot manage these offers in the Self Service.

3. Externally-Invoiced Offers

Externally-invoiced offers can be used to invoice sales outside the plenigo systems. All other functions of the plenigo systems can also be applied to these offers.

In such cases, the following is done in the system:
  • The plenigo Checkout is used for the purchase.
  • Orders and subscriptions are created.
  • Cancellation options are made available in the Merchant Backend and Self Service.
  • Sales Rules can be applied.
  • Delivery Lists can be used.
There is therefore a fully-fledged management within the plenigo systems.

However, for externally-invoiced offers plenigo does not create:
  • invoices
  • invoice dispatch 
  • bookkeeping data

4. Which Offer Types can be used?

In general, all standard offer types in the plenigo system can be used as externally-managed or externally-invoiced offers. However, there are certain limitations.

The following offer types cannot be used as externally-managed offers:
  • Credit-Based Offers
  • Add-On Products
  • Gift Vouchers

The following offer types cannot be used as externally-invoiced offers:
  • Credit-Based Offers
  • Add-On Products