Stripe Identity

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. Create API Key in Stripe Account
  3. Set up Stripe Identity in the Merchant Backend
  4. Age-releated Rules with Stripe Identity

1. Preliminary Remarks

plenigo collaborates with Stripe to offer Stripe Identity. A separate contract with Stripe must be concluded. PayOne customers can also use Stripe Identity. For more information, go to their website:
Stripe provides a demo version of the verification process for you to test if the identity verification is the right solution for you:

Note: Before you can set up Stripe Identity in the client, it must be activated in the contracting company. For more information about prerequisites and activation, read this entry.

2. Create API Key in Stripe Account

A restricted API key is required for using Stripe Identity.
Procedure in the Stripe Backend Developer:
  • In the dashboard, go to API keys tab and click on + Create restricted key.
  • Select Building your own integration.
  • Enter a name for this key.
  • Set the following resource types:
    • Verification Sessions and Reports: Write
    • Access recent detailed verification results: Read
    • Access all detailed verification results: None
  • All other resource types can remain on None for Stripe Identity.
  • Click on Create key.
  • The created key has the prefix:
    • rk_test_xxxxx for the stage system
    • rk_live_xxxxx for the live system
  • Save the key. The key cannot be viewed again.
Stripe also describes the creation process in its documentation on Stripe Identity

Additional data is required to link Stripe Identity. With the exception of the restricted API key described above, the data that has already been used to link Stripe as a payment service provider can be used.
In Profile under Accounts:
  • Stripe Account (uniqueId) - key structure: acct_xxxxx
In API key tab:
  • Publishable key - key structure:
    • pk_test_xxxxx für das Stagesystem 
    • pk_live_xxxxx für das Livesystem
In Webhooks tab:
  • Signing secret - key structure: whsec_xxxxx

3. Set up Stripe Identity in the Merchant Backend

  • Open Settings > Applications > Identity Settings.
  • Click on Edit.
  • Use the drop-down menu to select Stripe
  • Go to Stripe tab to connect plenigo to Stripe. Paste all the keys from the Stripe Backend into the respective fields. 

4. Age-related Rules with Stripe Identity

Stripe offers one test scenario in which the test person is to be older than 30. When creating an age-related rule for testing Stripe Identity, this must be considered.
More information on age-related rules >> Age-related Rules