Edit offers retrospectively

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary remarks
  2. Fields that cannot be changed retrospectively
  3. Specifications which can only be changed retrospectively
  4. Edit bonuses (speciality: "availability")

1. Preliminary remarks

  • Offers that have already been created can be edited retrospectively with certain restrictions.
  • Certain settings can only be made in the detailed view after the offer has been created.
  • The sales rules can only be linked to the offer after the offer has been created, except for the misuse rule. It can be added when the offer is created and edited retrospectively in editing mode.

2. Fields that cannot be changed retrospectively

  • Open the offer to be changed.
  • Click on Edit Offer in the action bar. The editing mode opens.
The following specifications cannot be edited:

Single product and time pass:
  • Access right
  • Price sheet
  • Tax type
  • External Management
  • Amount of steps
  • Time-based/issue-based product contracts
  • Access right
  • Price sheet
  • Tax type
  • External Management

Note: The specifications in the price sheet and in the product contract can be edited directly in the respective menu item. However, these changes will then take effect in every offer in which they are already used.

3. Specifications which can only be changed retrospectively

Action bar in the offer detail view

After creating an offer, further settings/information for the offer can be maintained using the action bar in the detailed view. All these details are optional.

  • Extended Offer Data
    • Edit additional data
    • Assign Tags
    • Assign a bonus
    • Edit Start Time
    • Invoice Template
  • Partner Settings 
    • doo Settings
  • Set Payment Methods: For each offer, payment methods can be selected which are to be provided in the Checkout
  • Address Settings:
    • Set invoice and/or delivery address as mandatory in the Checkout.
    • Address validation: The validation of the invoice and/or delivery address can be suppressed.
  • Block Cancellation in Self Service

Sales rules tags

Sales rules tags (except for misuse rules) can also be added only after the offer has been created.

4. Edit bonuses (speciality: "availability")

Bonuses have a special feature when editing them.
  • Open tab Products.
  • Open tab Bonuses.
  • Open a bonus.
  • Click on Edit bonus. The editing mode opens.
In the editing mode, there is a new field Availability: