Start Date for Subscriptions

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Notes 
  2. Set Startdate
  3. Edit oder Delete Startdate

1. Preliminary Notes 

With the function "Set Start Date" you can define fixed start dates for subscriptions in the plenigo backend. These can be in the future as well as in the past. A defined start date can be changed or deleted again afterwards.

Note: Start dates can only be set after the offer has been created and only for subscriptions.

2. Set Start Date

Step 1:
Open the "Products" menu item and then the "Offers" subitem. In the overview, any offers that have already been created will be displayed. Click the "Create an Offer" button to start the creation of the offer. If an existing offer is to be given a start date, this can be done by clicking directly on the desired subscription.

Step 2:
In the next step, the offer can be provided with a start date. Via the button "Extended Offer Data" (1) the desired start date can be set under "Set Start Date" (2).

FIg: Extended offer data with the subitem "Set Start Date"

The start date can either be entered manually or selected via the pop-up window in the calendar. With a click on Save, the start date is set and is now also visible in the overview of the offer next to "Subscriptions based on this offer start on:".

Fig: Select a start date

Fig: Display of the start date in the offer

3. Edit or Delete of Startdate

If necessary, the start date of the subscription can be edited or deleted again later. To do this, click on "Extended Offer Data" again in the offer overview and on "Set Start Date". The procedure for making the change is the same as for setting it for the first time.

Note: Once a customer has purchased a subscription with a fixed start date, a subsequent change to the start date will not affect the data of the subscription already purchased by the customer. The start date set when the subscription was purchased remains the same.

Fig: Subitem "Set Start Date"