Connect the PayPal Account to plenigo

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary remarks
  2. Connecting a PayPal Account to the plenigo Merchant Backend

1. Preliminary remarks

Before PayPal appears as a payment method in the checkout, a PayPal-plenigo connection must be created.

Note: For the plenigo stage system, the sandbox account is connected. For the plenigo live system, the live account is connected.

2. Connecting a PayPal Account to the plenigo Merchant Backend

Start connection:
  • Click on PayPal tab.
  • Click on Edit.
  • Click on Start PayPal register process to start the connection.
  • After being directed to PayPal, follow the instructions.
After successful log-in, a redirect is made to the plenigo Merchant Backend.
The ID of the connected PayPal account is displayed.
  • Click on Check Connection to execute the standardized test of the reference transaction of the connected PayPal account.

 If the test has been sucessful, the connection is complete.

3. Reference Transaction

PayPal Reference Transactions (also known as Tokenization) is a function of PayPal. The function enables merchants to debit a PayPal account with recurring payments without requiring the consent of the account holder for each debit.

  • This function is mandatory in order to realize PayPal payments with plenigo.
  • This function must be activated manually by PayPal customer service.
  • The activation should be requested in good time, as the process can take some time.
  • Use the PayPal Support Help Center to request the activation.