the knowledge base

In our knowledge base you will find everything you need to know about our Merchant Backend, Self Service, SSO and Checkout. Your questions will also be answered in our FAQs and the Release Notes will help you to stay up-to-date.
Our aim is to make it as easy as possible for you to access relevant information so that you can work efficiently.

How do I find my way around the knowledge base? 
The knowledge base is structured into various categories. 

  1. Getting Started with plenigo:
    Here you will find all the information you need for your first steps in the plenigo software to make onboarding as easy as possible.
  2. Merchant Backend - Contracting Company & Client: 
    These categories serve as a manual for the plenigo Merchant Backend. The categories are arranged in the same way as the menu items in the Merchant Backend, so you can intuitively click through the knowledge base to find exactly the instructions you need.

  3. plenigo Self Service, Checkout & SSO: 
    Here you will find information about our iFrame applications. 
  4. FAQs:
    Do you have any questions? Perhaps our FAQs can already help you. Of course, we are also available to answer your questions personally at any time at
  5. Release Notes:
    Our release notes help you to stay up-to-date at all times. Here we document all changes to the front-end applications (Merchant Backend, Self Service and Checkout) and the API v3.