The Difference between Products and Bundles

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. Products and Bundles 

1. Preliminary Remarks

A so-called "Offer" can contain two different components in the plenigo backend. Either a (single) product or a bundle, which in turn contains products. An offer can also include both components, it all depends on the type of offer.
How offers are basically structured can be found in the article Structure of Offers.
If offers are to be created, price sheets, access rights and an offer structure must already exist in the plenigo backend.

2. Products and Bundles

Products: Products are individual items that can be cancelled individually.
Example: A customer buys an offer which contains two products. He can also cancel them separately, even if they were purchased in one offer.

Bundle: A bundle contains at least two products. By linking them to a bundle, the products can no longer be cancelled individually, but only together.
Example: A customer buys an offer containing product A and bundle B, again with two products C/D. In this case, product A and bundle B can be cancelled separately. The bundle can only be cancelled as a whole, i.e. product C and D together. The products in the bundle cannot be cancelled separately.