Creating and Using Price Segments

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. Create Price Sheets

1. Preliminary Remarks

Price segments are optional for the creation of offers. By using price segments, the prices of the offers can vary at country level. If this is desired, price sheets must be created in the Merchant Backend, as no price data is stored in the price segment itself. Price segments are only used to group countries in order to be able to assign different prices to them in the price sheet.

2. Create Price Sheets

  • Click on + Add a Price Segment.
  • Determine a Title* for internal allocation.
  • Optionally, add a Description.
  • Define Priority*.
    The priority of a price segment plays a role if there are several price segments for a country in a price sheet. In this case, the system uses the price segment with the lowest priority value.
  • Select the Country* for which the price segment is to be valid.
Once a price segment has been created, it can be used in a price sheet. The price will also only be determined in the price sheet.