Creating Price Sheets

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. Create Price Sheets

1. Preliminary Remarks

Price sheets are a necessary building block for offers within the Merchant Backend. They determine the price of an offer or an offer step.
The following scenarios can be implemented using price sheets:
  • Simple linear price structures
  • extensive and variable price structures across national borders
Further characteristics:
  • The price sheet contains prices and validity and controls which price is charged for an offer or an offer level.
  • Price segments can also be linked in price sheets in order to vary the prices of offers at country level.

Note: Prices in the price sheets are always gross prices. Tax amounts may be deducted from these prices.

2. Create Price Sheets

  • Click on + Add a Price Sheet.
  • Enter a Title* for internal allocation.
  • Optionally, select a folder structure and assign a description.
  • The Global price defines the general price of the offer. This price must always be determined. 
  • The price segments that have been created beforehand are displayed below the global price. The different price can be defined here.
  • Valid from defines from which date the price is to be valid. Use the -Icon to add more prices. Each price must have different validities.
    By using validity periods, price changes can also be stored for the future. These price changes also apply to all existing offers that have stored the price sheet.
  • Valid for existing subscriptions: Different conditions for existing subscriptions can be stored here.

Use Case:

In this example, the global price was defined as €10. A price of DK 15 has been defined for the Danish price segment.
This means that the price of the price segment of 15 DK applies to orders from Denmark. The global price applies to orders from all other countries.