Create Delivery Lists

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. Add Delivery List

1. Preliminary Remarks

  • For every offer, digital and analog delivery lists can be created.
  • An analog delivery list can be used, for example for magazines, books and hybrid products, to transfer the necessary (adress) data for creating and delivery to a print shop, if necessary.
  • A digital delivery list, in contrast, is mainly needed for IVW e.V.
  • The created delivery list is connected to an offer and can be downloaded.
For more information about the delivery list management, click here.

2. Add Delivery List

  • Click Add Delivery List.
  • Select either analog or digital delivery list by using the drop-down menu.

The following fields must be filled in for both analog and digital delivery lists:
  • Determine Title*.
  • Determine File name of delivery list*.
  • Optionally, determine A notification should always be sent X week(s) before the last saved delivery date. 
    • If this option has been selected, the field Recipient address becomes mandatory.
    • If this option has not been selected, the field Recipient address is greyed out and cannot be edited.
  • Optionally select Export Configuration, which is to be used for the delivery list.

Generate Dates

For analog delivery lists, in contrast to digital delivery lists, it must also be determined when the delivery list and the redelivery list are to be created.
  • Determine The delivery list should always be created X days before the publication date.
  • Determine The redelivery list should always be created X days before the publication date.

For automatically generating dates:
  • Determine start and end date.
  • Choose between weekly and monthly creation of delivery list
  • Click on Generate Dates.
The list is automatically generated and can be edited at any time in the future.
For analog delivery lists, the Creation of Delivery List and Creation of Redelivery List is generated in addition to the Publishing Date.

Note: Initially, 120 dates can be created. If more are required, click on Save and add further Delivery Dates .