Create a Simple Subscription

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary remarks
  2. Create a Simple Time Based Subscription

1. Preliminary remarks

A time-based subscription is a type of offer where users pay regularly for access to products based on a specific time period (e.g. €120 per year). This subscription model can be used for both print and digital products - a combination of print (home delivery) and digital (online access) is also possible.

Before a subscription can be created, a product contract must first be created. What a product contract is and how the settings in the merchant backend work in practice are explained in these entries: Create product contracts and Use Cases for Product Contracts

A simple time-based subscription can also be created as multi-user offer.

Once a customer has purchased a time-based subscription via the checkout, the offer is displayed in the customer account under the Orders and Subscriptions tabs.

2. Create a Simple Time Based Subscription

  • In the form, fill in all standard fields.
    More information about the respective fields, what they mean and which fields are displayed to the customer can be found in the entry Standard fields in the offer creation
  • Select Time Based Contract Structure using the drop-down menu or create a new product contract clicking on +   

    Note: For creating a product contract within the offer creation, a price sheet is required, which must have been created beforehand.

    Once a product contract has been selected, the content is broken down to be able to doublecheck the parameters.

  • Select Time Based Contract Structure using the drop-down menu or create a new product contract clicking on + (beforehand a price sheet must be created as it cannot be created within the offer creation).
    As soon as a product contract has been selected, the content is broken down to be able to doublecheck the parameters.
  • Optionally, add a Delivery List.
    For digital subscriptions, a digital delivery list (mainly for IVW reports) can be added. If an analog product should be sold via the time-based subscription, an analog delivery list can be added.
  • Add Access right*.
    If an analog product is sold and access, e.g. to an ePaper, is also granted, a digital access right can be added. Otherwise, a "dummy" access right for the analog product can be added here.