Create Tags

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary remarks
  2. Create and Manage Tags

1. Preliminary remarks

Tags are the basis of selling paths, reports and sales-based rules and can be created in the plenigo Merchant Backend. Tags can be assigned to offers to make them either the source or the target of a sales rule. The stored sales rule then controls the desired purchase options for the customers via selected source offers.

2. Create and Manage Tags

Create a Tag

  • Click on +Add Tag. A dialog window opens.
  • Enter a Name*.
  • Select a Category* for which the tag is to be used.
    • Reports: required for accounting.
    • Selling Path: required for selling paths. For creating a selling path, two tags must be created. One tag for the source offer and one tag for the target offer.
    • Custom: not linked to any Merchant Backend function. The tag can be assigned to a certain offer type, for example, and called via the API (filter function).
    • Rule: required for sales-based rules. For creating a sales-based rule, one tag must be created which is then assigned to the source offer.
  • Optionally, add a Description.

Manage a Tag

All tags already created are listed in the list view.
Each one of the tags can be deleted or edited.