Create User Groups

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. Create User Groups
  3. Description of User Group Rights

1. Preliminary Remarks

User groups control the rights of Merchant Backend users. It is possible to specifically enable individual areas of the Merchant Backend.
In addition, if several clients exist in the Merchant Backend, the user group controls which of these clients the authorizations apply to.
Before a user can be created, a user group must exist, as users must always be assigned to a user group.

2. Create User Groups

  • Click on Add a user group.
  • Enter a Name*.
  • Select the company*. Determines for which client the user group is to be created.
  • Optionally, add a Description.
  • Use the drop-down menus per right to determine which rights the user group is to have. 
    • Read and Write: Users in this user group can view and edit data.
    • Read: Users in this user group can view the data, however, cannot edit data.
    • None: Users in this user group have no access. The corresponding menu items are hidden.

3. Description of User Group Rights

Access Rights: manually create and edit user access rights

API Access Token: edit API access tokens

Activities: edit activities in customer accounts

Addresses: edit addresses in customer accounts

Customers: all editing options in customer accounts

Invoices: edit invoices in customer accounts

Orders: edit orders in customer accounts

Payment Methods: edit payment methods in customer accounts

Processes: manage users, user groups, as well as the Merchant Checkout

Products: edit offers

Subscriptions: edit subscriptions in customer accounts

Transactions: edit transactions in customer accounts

Vouchers: edit voucher campaigns

Accounting: edit accounting data

Reports: edit reports

Checkout: use Merchant Checkout to place orders for customers

App-Store Data: edit In-App Purchases

Support User: activate/deactivate plenigo support access

Downloads: share and download files

Wallets: create and edit wallets

SFTP-Log: read SFTP Log

Import-Log: read Import Log 

Callbacks-Log: read Callback Log

Mail-Log: read Mail Log

Settings and Mail-Templates: edit company settings and mail templates

Note: If new authorization areas arise due to new functions, the rights will automatically be set to None and can then be adjusted for the user groups.
