Backend Security Settings

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary remarks
  2. Backend Security Settings

1. Preliminary remarks

The Backend Security Settings in the User Administration are used for the security of the plenigo Merchant Backend accounts and are set for all Merchant Backend users.
The following security settings can be made:
  • Two-Factor Authentication
  • Automatic deactivation of inactive users
  • Reset password
  • Password Rules

2. Backend Security Settings

Two-Factor Authentication

If the check mark is set, every Merchant Backend user has to set up a two-factor authentication.

Automatic deactivation of inactive users

If the check mark is set, inactive Merchant Backend users are automatically deactivated after the defined period of time.

  • after x days defines after how many days the inactive user is to be deactivated. A value from 1 to 365 days can be entered here.
  • Session timeout of plenigo users defines the time in hours after which the inactive user is automatically logged out from the Merchant Backend.

Reset Password

  • Email recipient*: Email addresses of the persons responsible in case a Merchant Backend user requests to reset their password can be entered here 
  • Reset password*: Use the drop-down menu to determine whether the password can be reset by the users themselves or only by the administrator.
    If only the administrator can reset the users' passwords, the administrator receives an email informing that a user requested a passwort reset. The administrator logs in to the Merchant Backend and can reset the user's password in User Administration > Users.
    If the users themselves can reset their passwords, they receive an email containing a token for resetting their passwords.

    Note: Users only receive an email if an email address has been stored in their user account. If no email address has been stored, the administrator receives an email informing that a user requested a password reset.

Password Rules

  • Minimum Length of Password* determines the minimum length of the password.
  • Checkboxes determine which components the password has to have:
    • Uppercase Letters
    •  Lowercase Letters
    • Numbers
    • Special Characters