Connect Amazon Pay to plenigo

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary remarks
  2. API Login Data and API Key
  3. Connecting data to plenigo Merchant Backend

1. Preliminary remarks

Amazon Pay separates Sandbox and Production View in the Integration Central.
Accordingly, there are also two views in Integration Central that can be freely switched between. You can switch between the Sandbox View and the Production View using the drop-down menu in the header.

Note: This article describes how to connect the Amazon Pay sandbox environment with the plenigo stage backend. The steps described are identical to the live environment of Amazon Pay and the plenigo live backend. It is recommended to test the implementation on the stage system first before using Amazon Pay as a payment method on the plenigo live system.

2. API Login Data and API Key

  • Expand the Menu in the left upper corner by clicking on the vertical lines.
  • Navigate to Integration Central.

Enter the following details in the area Guides, keys and IDs to connect your store.
  • Select Self-developed as Ecommerce provider or integration type using the drop down menu.
  • Select Recurring/Automatic payments as Payment type.
  • Click on Show instructions. The API Login Data is automatically generated.

Copy the Store ID and the Merchant ID. Both are later required in the plenigo Merchant Backend.

API-Schlüssel erstellen / Create API keys

  • Click on Create keys (see screenshot above). A dialog window opens.
  • Select Generate API credentials.
  • Enter a Name for the API key.
In the Existing API keys area, the Public Key ID created is displayed.

The Private Key is automatically downloaded as a file (extension: .pem) when the key pair is created.
  • Save the file in a safe place.
The Private Key can be opened with any text editor software. The file contains a key text.

Note: The Private Key file cannot be downloaded twice. If the file gets lost, a new key pair must be generated.

3. Connecting the Data to the plenigo Merchant Backend

The data just created in the Amazon Pay Account can now be connected to the plenigo Merchant Backend.
  • Open Amazon Pay tab.
  • Click on Edit.
  • Fill in all fields with the corresponding data.

Note: The content in the Private Key file must be entered in full - including the lines -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY---- and ----END PRIVATE KEY----- - in the Private Key field.