
Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. Cockpit

1. Preliminary Remarks

In the customer account in the Cockpit Tab, all customer data can be viewed.
The following data are displayed on the left-hand side:
  • general customer data (customer ID, address, e-mail address, status, etc.)
  • delivery and invoice address
  • opt-in status
The following data are displayed on the right-hand side:
  • graphical representation of all activities in a timeline
  • all activities in detail

2. Cockpit

Left-hand side - customer data, invoice address and opt-in
  1. Customer Data
    Here you will find all personal data, such as name, birthday, address as well as system data, such as source of the customer registration, registration date and customer status. 
    The customer data can be edited by clicking on the pen symbol.
    Once the customer status has been changed via the drop-down menu Manage > Block customer, a status history is displayed that can be expanded by clicking on Details
  2. Invoice Address
    The invoice address field appears once a customer has saved a delivery or invoice address.
  3. Opt-In
    In the opt-in field, the customer's opt-in status is displayed.
    The following stati can be displayed:

Right-hand side - activity history

In the activity history, all changes and activities made at the customer account are listed and displayed graphically.
For more information, the tiles can be expanded.
Activities can be triggered by the API, the system, the supporter or the customer.
