
Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Notes
  2. General Structure 

1. Preliminary Notes

In the "Login History", the login attempts of your customer are documented in an overview. The view can be switched between successful and failed login attempts.

Via the menu item "Customers" it is possible to get to the customer overview of the specific customer. The customer account is opened by clicking on the "Customer No." or the "Email". 

Fig: Overview of how to get to the customers details. 

Various overviews are available here. One of them is the "Login History" tab.

Fig: Login History Tab

2. General Structure

The login attempts are divided into "Successful" and "Failed login attempts" (1). The view can be switched via the tabs of the same name. In addition to information such as the "Login Date", the "Browser" and the "Source URL". (2) 

Fig: Oberview of the Login History Tab.
