Sales-based Rules

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Notes
  2. Which Offer types may be used in the sales-based Rule?
  3. Creation of sales-based Rules 
  4. Example of Usage
  5. What happens when the source offer is terminated? 

1. Preliminary Notes

Using the sales-based rules, you can control the pricing for customers who purchase multiple products. For example, if a customer has already purchased product X, he will get product Y at a lower price. The basis of sales-based rules are rule tags, which must be created in advance. Afterwards, tagged offers can be offered to the customer at a discount. However, this rule only works with subscriptions.

The item "Sales-based rules" (3) is a sub-item of "Sales rules" (2), which in turn are located in the menu item "Products" (1). Rules that have already been created are summarized here in an overview.

Fig: Sub item "Sales-based Rules"

2. Which Offer types may be used in the sales-based Rules? 

Since the rule works only with certain offers, a few properties must be considered when selecting the source and subsequent offers.

Source offer: The offer to which the tag is assigned to should serve as the base for the subsequent discounted and regular offers. However, the rule does not work if the source offer is a single product (product, time pass) but only with subscriptions. Please be sure to keep this in mind. Subscription can be single-step, as well as multi-step.

Subsequent offers: Advantage offers (discounted) and regular offers, which must be specified in the sales-based rule, may only originate from the offer type subscriptions and may only be single-step.

Fig: Subscriptions 

3. Creation of sales-based Rules 

Before a sales-based rule can be created, a rule tag must first be created. The tag is then assigned to an offer, the source offer. The source offer is the base on which the advantage offer can be given at a discount.

Create a tag of the "Rule" category. The title can be chosen arbitrarily.

Fig: Create a tag

Assign the tag to an offer (subscription).

Fig: Assign a tag

Fig: Assign tag to an offer

To add a new sales-based rule click the "Add Rule" button.

Fig: Overview of sales-based rules

The following fields must be filled in the form:
(1) Internal title: Here you define which title will be displayed in the overview of sales-based rules. Optionally, you can add an "Internal description".
(2) Here you define which tag the system should search for to identify the source offer.
(3) This is where the advantage offer is selected. This offer will be displayed to the demander if they have purchased an offer already tagged with a corresponding tag.
(4) The regular offer is selected here, which the customer should receive if he has not yet purchased an offer tagged with the corresponding tag.
(5) Here you can define descriptions for the cases condition matches and condition does not apply. These will be displayed to the customer.

Fig: Creation for of a sales-based rule

4. Example of Usage

Step 1:
Create a tag of the "Rule" category. The title can be chosen arbitrarily.

Step 2:
Assign the tag to a source offer, of type "Subscription". Here it was assigned to "Simple subscription SD" (see section 2).

Step 3:
A sales-based rule must then be created. For this example, the following applies:
1. if a customer has already purchased the Simple Subscription SD ("Rule Tag") and then wants to purchase the Einfaches Abo Test 2 Nachteil, he will receive it at the discounted price.
2. if a customer wants to buy the Einfaches Abo Test 2 Vorteil and has not bought the Simple Subscription SD before, he will receive the Einfaches Abo Test 2 Nachteil at the normal price.

Fig: Example

Step 4:
A customer has now purchased the "Simple subscription SD". This offer was assigned the "Rule Tag" in step 2.

Step 5:
If the same customer now wants to buy the Einfaches Abo Test 2 Nachteil at the normal price, the system checks in the background whether the customer already owns the tagged source product and is automatically redirected to the discounted offer.

5. What happens when the source offer is terminated? 

If a customer cancels the source offer after purchasing the discounted benefit offer, the regular offer will automatically become valid at the end of the accounting period of the benefit offer. The reason for this is that the source offer is the base for the perk. If this base no longer exists, the discounted offer can no longer be used. However, there is a difference between a regularly cancelled and an immediately cancelled source offer.

Source offer is terminated regularly:
1. the accounting period of the source product expires first (during this period the advantage offer can be used).
2. after the accounting period of the source offer expires, the accounting period of the benefit offer expires (during this accounting period, you can already see the conversion to the regular offer in the customer's subscriptions, based on the "future" status).
3. And finally, after the end of the accounting period of the special offer, the regular offer automatically becomes valid.

Source offer is terminated immediately:
1. in case of immediate cancellation, the source offer expires immediately.
2. at the same time as the source offer is cancelled, the accounting period of the special offer starts immediately (here, the change to the regular subscription can also be made already in the subscriptions).
3. after the end of the accounting period of the special offer, the regular offer automatically becomes valid.

Note: Even if a source offer is regularly cancelled before the purchase of the advantage offer, it is still possible to purchase the advantage offer in the same accounting period (of the source product). In this case, however, the regular offer automatically takes effect at the end of the accounting period.