Shopping Carts

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. Manage Shopping Carts
  3. Add Shopping Cart
  4. Use Case

1. Preliminary Remarks

In order to offer customers the opportunity to buy several products at the same time, so-called shopping carts can be created in the Merchant Backend.  These can be filled with offers as required. Each offer in the shopping cart can be defined as optional if required, but one mandatory offer must always be included. In this way, subscriptions with different runtimes or subscriptions with individual items can be combined, for example. The possibility of optionally purchasing offers within a shopping cart gives customers individual freedom of choice.
Offers purchased in a shopping cart can be canceled separately. The offers purchased in the shopping cart are listed separately in the Merchant Backend.

2. Manage Shopping Carts

In the list view, all shopping carts already created are listed.
Via Commands, the detail view can be opened or shopping carts can be edited directly.
In the shopping cart's detail view, in the action bar, the shopping cart can be edited or archived.

3. Add Shopping Cart

  • Click on + Add Shopping Cart.
  • Name Shopping Cart*. The name is only for internal allocation and is not displayed to the customer.
  • Select language(s).
  • Determine Title*, which is displayed to the customer.
  • Enter Legal advice*.
  • Optionally, enter a Description.
  • Add offer*. Use the drop-down menu to add as many offers as you like to the shopping cart.  Cross-Client offers can also be used. They are marked in blue color.

Once offers have been added, the following settings can be made for each offer:

  • Offer can be selected as an option: If the checkmark is set, customers can decide themselves if they want to purchase this offer within the shopping cart or not.
  • Option pre-selected in checkout: The checkmark is automatically set once Offer can be selected as an option has been set. The checkmark can be removed to allow customers to add the offer in the checkout themselves.
  • Click on the minus symbol to delete offers from the shopping cart.

Note: The shopping cart must contain at least one mandatory offer (no checkmark at Offer can be selected as option).

4. Use Case

The following settings have been made in the Merchant Backend:
  • Issue Based Subscription can be added optionally in the checkout. The offer is not pre-selected in the checkout.
  • Time Based Subscription is pre-selected in the checkout and can be removed by the customer.
  • Single Product is the mandatory offer, which cannot be removed from the shopping cart by the customer.

The settings are displayed in the checkout as follows: