Setup: Google Play Console

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. Granting Service Account Access to Apps
  3. Connecting Pub/Sub Topic with App

1. Vorbemerkungen

The service account created and managed in the Google Cloud Console needs access to the desired app(s). This access is given by adding the service account as user within the Google Play Console.

In addition, it is necessary to connect an app with a previosly created Pub/Sub topic.

2. Granting Service Accounts Access to Apps

  • Log in to the Google Play Console.
  • On the homepage, click on "Invite new user".
  • Add the address of the service account.
    The address of the service account is structured as follows: {Dienstkontoname}@{projektname}
  • Add app permissions:
    • Select the app(s) to which the service account should have access.
    • Click on "Apply".
    • At least the permissions "View app information and download bulk reports (read-only)" and "Financial data" must be activated. The "View information on app quality (read-only)" is also activated.
    • Click on "Apply".
    • Click on "Invite user" to finish the process.

3. Connecting Pub/Sub Topic with App

  • Select the desired app in the Google Play Console.
  • In the menu section "Monetize", select "Set up monetization"
  • In "Google Play Billing", enter the name of the Cloud Pub/Sub topic into the field "Name of the topic". The topic is to be entered in the following format: projects/{project_id}/topics/{topic_name} 
  • Click on "Save changes".