Goodwill Functions

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. Add Free Issues
  3.  Redeliver Issues for Free
  4. Add Accounting Period for Free
  5. Add Access Right

1. Preliminary Remarks

Within the goodwill option, various functions are available to grant the customer services free of charge and without any action on the part of the customer. The functions can be called up both on the main page of the customer account and in the detailed view of a subscription, in each case in the action bar.

2. Add Free Issues

For issue-based subscriptions, it is possible to add additional issues to the current accounting period. The open deliveries are simply increased as required. The additional issues count as issues free of charge. The free issues are added after the regular issues of the subscription.

Add free issues:
  • The function can either be started in the main page of the customer account or in the subscription detail view both in the action bar: Goodwill > Add free issues
  • In the Active Subscription field all of the customer's issue-based subscriptions are available for selection. Multiple subscriptions cannot be selected at the same time.
  • After having selected the subscription, the number of issues still to be delivered (including one additional issue) are displayed in the Open deliveries field. One additional issue is therefore selected directly. This total number (open regular issues + 1 free issue) can  be increased if desired.
  • In the Reason section, additional fields can be filled in to create a note in form of an activity about this change of subscription.
    • The Free Text field can be used to write a free text that is displayed within the activity.
    • Using the drop-down menu, Predefined Text Blocks can be selected that were previously created in Text Blocks menu item and are displayed under Activities after saving.
    • If desired, a file can be uploaded to the system in the File field and saved to the activity.


  • Added free issues cannot be removed from the subscription. They remain permanently in the corresponding period.
  • The number of free issues cannot be subsequently reduced.
  • This function cannot be used for subscriptions that have already been terminated.

3. Redeliver Issues for Free

Certain conditions must be met for a free replacement delivery to be carried out:
  • a linked replacement product on the associated delivery list
  • available issues on the associated delivery list
  • an existing delivery address

 Creating a redelivery:
  • The function can either be started in the main page of the customer account or in the subscription detail view both in the action bar: Goodwill Redeliver issues for free
  • Use the drop-down menu Delivery List* to select the desired delivery list from which the issue is to be selected.
  • Use the drop-down menu Issue* to select the desired issue of the delivery list for the redelivery.
  • In the Delivery Address section, the desired delivery address must be selected or a new delivery address can be created by clicking on Add another delivery address.
  • In the Reason section, additional fields can be filled in to create a note in form of an activity about this change of subscription.
    • The Free Text field can be used to write a free text that is displayed within the activity.
    • Using the drop-down menu, Predefined Text Blocks can be selected that were previously created in Text Blocks menu item and are displayed under Activities after saving.
    • If desired, a file can be uploaded to the system in the File field and saved to the activity.
    • An order is created based on the entries made.


    • By placing an order, the customer is noted on the delivery list data for the selected issue. The customer is therefore listed once as the recipient for the corresponding issue. An order confirmation is created for the order, which is sent by e-mail.
    • The order stores the access right defined in the replacement product with the customer. This means that digital services can also be enabled in addition to the redelivery. The access right can be blocked.
    • The function can also be used for subscriptions that have already been terminated.

    4. Add Accounting Period for Free

    For time-based subscriptions, it is possible to add an additional accounting period to an active subscription free of charge.

    Add an accounting period free of charge:
    • The function can either be started in the main page of the customer account or in the subscription detail view both in the action bar: Goodwill Add accounting period for free
    • In the Active Subscription field all of the customer's issue-based subscriptions are available for selection. Multiple subscriptions cannot be selected at the same time.
  • After having selected the subscription, the free period can be defined.
    • In Start of Free Accounting Period field, the first day of the period is defined.
    •  In End of Free Accounting Period field, the last day of the period is defined.
    • In the Reason section, additional fields can be filled in to create a note in form of an activity about this change of subscription.
      • The Free Text field can be used to write a free text that is displayed within the activity.
      • Using the drop-down menu, Predefined Text Blocks can be selected that were previously created in Text Blocks menu item and are displayed under Activities after saving.
      • If desired, a file can be uploaded to the system in the File field and saved to the activity.

  • Note: 

    • This function is not available for subscriptions that have already been terminated.

    5. Add Access Right

    The function can be used to manually add an access right to the customer. An access right added in this way differs from access rights that are created by the system, for example through an order or a subscription. Manually added access rights:
    • are labeled as "external".
    • can be edited and deleted in the Merchant Backend.
    • are not related to a subscription or order.
    • must also be maintained manually, i.e. they do not respond to automated processes such as process control.

    Access rights labeled as "external" can only occur once with a uniqueID in a customer account.
    Example: If an external access right is stored for a customer with the uniqueID Goodwill, no second external access right with the uniqueID Goodwill can be created afterwards.

    • However, if the uniqueId Goodwill were to be assigned via an access right from a subscription to the same customer, this would also be possible once.
    • This means that a uniqueId can only exist once as an external access right and as an access right from a subscription or order.
    • Attention: Imported access rights also count as external access rights!
    • The function can also be used for subscriptions that have already been terminated.