Login History

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. General Structure

1. Preliminary Remarks 

In the Login History, the successful and failed login attempts of your customers are documented in an overview.

2. General Structure 

The login attempts are divided into successful and failed login attempts. The view can be switched via the tabs of the same name and the login attempts can be filtered by date in the search bar. In the overview, you will find information such as the Login date, the Browser and the Source URL as well as the Customer ID. The latter can be used to switch to the customer account.

The login history can also be found in the customer account.

3. Login and Registration

The system also evaluates registrations as login attempts. If a new customer registers successfully, an entry is created in the login history. For technical reasons, however, these entries do not contain any more detailed information about the browser, operating system and source of the registration.