Terms and Conditions

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary remarks
  2. Add Terms and Conditions

1. Preliminary remarks

  • In the Merchant Backend, individual Terms and Conditions can be made.
  • Only one version of the Terms and Conditions can be active.
  • The Terms and Conditions can be queried in the plenigo SSO and in the Checkout.

2. Add Terms and Conditions

  • Click on + Add Terms and Conditions. The editing mode opens.
  • Enter Internal Title*.
  • Enter Terms and Condition UniqueID.
  • Activate/deactivate checkbox Active: Only one version of the Terms and Conditions can be active.
  • Descriptions with Translations: Add as many languages as required by clicking on +.
    • Terms During Registration Process: This text is displayed in the plenigo SSO.
    • Terms During Purchase: This text is displayed in the plenigo Checkout.

Note: Once the texts have been activated, they should no longer be changed.

If changes to the Terms and Conditions become necessary, it is advisable to create a new version and deactivate the existing one. If a customer has already agreed to a previous version of the Terms and Conditions in the past, the new version can also be displayed to the customer for approval.

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